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1. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香). Baum-Katz-type complete and complete moment convergence theorems for the maximum of partial sums under sub-linear expectations, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2023.109818. (SCI)
2.Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang*, Qunying Wu. Complete convergence for weighted sums of negatively dependent random variables under the sub-linear expectations. Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, 2019,48(6):1351–1366.(SCI)
3.Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang*, Qunying Wu, Haiwu Huang. Complete and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise negatively dependent random variables under the sub-linear expectations [J]. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods,2021,50(3), 594-608. (SCI).
4. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Haiwu Huang. Strong convergence for weighted sums of END random variables under the sub-linear expectations,Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, 2022,51(22), 7885-7896. (SCI)
5. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang*, Qunying Wu. Complete moment convergence for ND random variables under the sub-linear expectations,Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2023, 38(3), 444-457. (SCI)
6. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Xiang Zeng. A complete convergence theorem of the maximum of partial sums under the sub-linear expectations, Filomat, 2022, 36(17), 5725-5735. (SCI)
7. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Xiang Zeng. Marcinkiewicz strong laws for weighted sums under the sub-linear expectations, Filomat, 2023, 37(23), 7881–7890. (SCI)
8. Fengxiang Feng(冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang, Qunying Wu. An almost sure central limit theorem for self-normalized weighted sums of the mixing random variables. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2016,10(1): 233–245.(SCI)
9. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Haiwu Huang. A Complete convergence theorem for weighted sums under the sub-linear expectations , Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2021, 15(3): 899-910. (SCI)
10. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang, Qunying Wu, Complete and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of -mixing random variables. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. 2018,12(1): 201–217 (SCI)
11. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang. On complete convergence for weighted Sums of array of rowwise ~ mixing random variables.应用数学, 2016, 29(3): 503-513.
12. Fengxiang Feng (冯凤香), Dingcheng Wang, Qunying Wu. Complete convergence for arrays of rowwise M-NSD random variables.数学杂志, 2017,37(5):889-897.
冯凤香, 曾翔, 非数学专业大学数学教学探索,大众文摘, 2023, 48: 46-48。